Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Simulation and Software Radio for Mobile Communications.Scanned_MAZ

Knowledge, the object of knowledge, and the knower are the three factors that motivate the action; the senses, the work, and the doer are the three constituents of action.
- The Bhagvad Gita (I 8. 18)
From September 1996 to August 1997, we worked together at the Delft Univetsity of Technology, The Netherlands, in order to realize future wireless personal multimedia communications (WPMC). During our joint research period, research and development were done on higher layers such as the media access control (MAC) layer and the physical layer, and many researchers came from Europe, Asia, the United States, and The Netherlands to work with us. We also starred new projects and established a joint cooperation with several research institutes, companies, and universities. Once a project is defined, many new researchers are allocated. Among the researchers, some newcomers arc occasionally involved. Moreover, most projects are time-limited. In this situation, the answer to the question of how newcomers prepare to evaluate the target is one of key issues to success in the time-limited project. We considered the answer carefully.

When we instructed the newcomers on how to evaluate a communication system, we used the following procedure. First, the newcomers read some books about a basic communication theory for the target topic to obtain basic knowledge for the target topic on the project. Then they read many writings about the target topic to understand the state-of-the-art technology, defined the remaining problems, and found new solutions suitable for the target topic. Then, once the newcomers set their research direction, by using references on how to use computer languages, they began their own programs to design and evaluate the target communication system. This procedure may seem quite logical. However, during the procedure, newcomers have many questions, which take too long to discuss. Moreover, when we viewed our research field, we found many excellent books on the basic communication theory. However, there are few books on how to design a telecommunications system using computer simulation. There is currently no single book on how to design and evaluate a telecommunications system from the physical to the upper layer. It is too time-consuming to prepare the newcomers to design and evaluate their own communication system. We therefore decided to write a new book to describe how to design telecommunications systems and evaluate them from the physical layer to the upper layer. In writing this book, we have attempted to set our concept as follows. In each chapter, we have described a simple explanation for a target telecommunications system, before showing programs. The explanation is quite simple. If you need more concrete explanation, you can find many excellent books on the subject. We chose MATLAB, one of the most popular computer simulation languages in the world, as the computer language to design the telecommunications systems. Moreover, we showed source programs in this book and included them on the accompanying CD-ROM. The users can customize our programs to their favorite systems. We believe that this book and accompanying CD-ROM are a must-have for all engineers, researchers, academics, and students of telecommunications technology.

Chapter 1 presents a general introduction to the history of the wireless communication system and the latest information on WPMC. This chapter also describes why we need to evaluate the performance of telecommunications system by computer simulation and why we can realize the simulation.
Chapter 2 describes several key parameters to perform computer simulations smoothly. MATLAB, a good software simulation tool, is mainly used in this book. Therefore, we first describe how to use the MA TLAB language.
We summarize frequently used commands and functions and the methods of creating a hierarchical program, in addition to the methods of programming nmctlon blocks, whIch are commonly used to evaluate all communication systems.
Chapter 3 explains the basic configurations of the phase shift keying (PSK)-based digital radio transmission scheme and describes the method of evaluating transmission performance by computer simulation. The PSKbased digital radio transmission schemes-binary phase shift keying (BPSK), quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), offset QPSK (OQPSK), minimum shift keying (MSK), and Gaussian-filtered minimum shift keying (GMSK)-and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) are inttoduced and their performances are evaluated by creating computer simulation programs. Parts of the
programs are based on contributions from Takako Yamamura of the National Police Agency in Tokyo, Japan, and Ryo Sawai and Ryuhei Funada of Chuo University, also in Tokyo, Japan.
Chapter 4 presents the configuration of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFOM) transmission scheme, which can reduce the influence of multipath fading and realize broadband communication while retaining high-frequency utilization efficiency. This chapter also describes the method of simulating transmission performance using computer simulation programs. Takako Yamamura has also contributed to parts of the programs in this chapter.
Chapter 5 presents the configuration of code division multiplexing (COM), which can retain robustness against multipath fading and is used in third-generation mobile communication systems. fu did Chapter 4, this chapter also describes the method of simulating transmission performance using computer simulation programs. Makoto Okita from the National Police Agency in Tokyo also contributed to parts of the programs in this chapter.
Chapter 6 evaluates the transmission performance of a point-tomultipoint communication system with multiple-access protocols by computer simulation. Pure ALOHA, slotted ALOHA, nonpersistent carrier-sense multiple access (CSMA), and slotted nonpersistent inhibit sense multiple access (ISMA) are explained as examples of multiple-access protocols. In this chapter, the methods of simulating throughput and average delay time are described using computer simulation programs. This chapter and its programs contain contributions and suggestions from Makoto Okita.
Chapter 7 describes the basic simulation method for a multipoint-tomultipoint corp.munication system based on a cellular telecommunications system. The dynamic channel assignment (DCA), fixed channel assignment (FCA), and adaptive cellular zone configuration (AZC) algorithms using an adaptive antenna are introduced. In this chapter, the method used to simulate call-blocking probability is described by using computer simulation programs. This chapter and all of its programs contain contributions from Fumihide Kojima and Ami Harada from the Communication Research Laboratory, Independent Administrative Institution, in Japan.
Chapter 8 describes a software radio communication system as a future application of the software programming method presented in this book. Computer simulation languages have a good relationship with software languages that configure digital signal processing hardware (OS PH) such as a digital signal processor (DSP) andlor field programmable gate array (FPGA) andlor application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). The concept of software radio bridges the software programming examined in this book and real hardware implementation.
To make the learning process fast and easy, MA TLAB code is provided at the end of each chapter and on the accompanying CD-ROM. This CD-ROM will allow users to exercise the simulations for real without having to write their own programs, which is always a barrier and prone to error. One of the main strengths of this book is that the learning process can be hands-on, allowing the readers to see the effects of varying parameters on the output of the simulation, a great aid to learning. Providing the MATLAB code at the end of each chapter is very helpful for readers. This book has a great deal to offer to researchers, practicing engineers, and to everyone in the field of wireless information and multimedia communication. Finally, we would like to state that this book is a work in ptogress. We wish to develop new discussions about evaluating the communication system through worldwide computer simulations. If you have any comments or questions, please let us know. Through your comments, this book will evolve with the future. Please enjoy this book.

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